[ I have made an attempt to translate a story that appeared in Udayavani, a Kannada daily. Original author is Adeeb Akthar.]
Naga was preparing to sleep in a corner, reciting himself the list of tasks he has to do tomorrow and a day after as there was an holiday on account of Sankranthi festival. He is very studious and very much interested in studies. Unlike his other counterparts he would not play after the school hours. He would rather go out for rag picking with a dusty bag on his shoulders. Back home, he would study upto 10 pm in the night with the help of a kerosene lamp before going to sleep. He had slept for a while until his drunken mava (brother-in-law) Murthy came in shouting at his sister Radha and disturbed the sleeping baby on her lap which burst into cry.
Murthy was angry since Radha had given birth to a baby girl second time. She was warned before leaving his home for maternity that she shouldn't return with a girl child. He was howling he would crush the baby and even tried to snatch her from Radha's laps. Radha's parents resisted and assured him that they would take care of the new born baby. Naga felt happy hearing this. He was afraid his mava would kill her. He thought, he just have to work a little extra to take care of her and for Sankranthi he would get her a new pair of dress.
Next day, Murthy came to take back his wife. He left the new born baby in Naga's house itself. Naga was very happy and he took the baby in his arms and kissed her tender cheeks. He decided to name her 'Kareena'. Now his duties have increased. He has take care of his ailing mother, an unmarried sister Padma and of course Kareena.
On the day of Sankranthi, Naga woke up quite early than usual. It was dark yet. He scratched his head for a while and set out with his bag towards the main street. He said to himself that he should return with enough rag so he could buy a pair of dress for the kid. He found a pen on the way. He wrote 'Kareena' on his left hand to confirm it wrote well. His father had once told him that he might find some valuable things such as gold ring, a 100 rupee note etc. during rag picking. Naga aspired that should happen today. After reaching the main street, he ran for a while in the deserted street and took a sub street towards the new town.
Far away in that street, a white car came and stopped near a dustbin. A person came out of that car with something in his hand covered in white cloth. He hurriedly dumped that thing into the dustbin and drove away his car. This happened in a fraction of minute. Naga stood watching this from a distance.
He soon rushed towards the dustbin and jumped into it. To his surprise, he found a just born baby wrapped in a piece of cloth which was crying weakly. He took the baby in arms and said to himself, if he wasn't there in that minute, then this baby would have been eaten by street dogs. He thanked God for sending him so early to save that child. He ran towards his hut. Meanwhile he wanted to see what baby was that.. male or female. But he thought it wouldn't matter anyway. All it requires is, some more rag picking.
Naga was preparing to sleep in a corner, reciting himself the list of tasks he has to do tomorrow and a day after as there was an holiday on account of Sankranthi festival. He is very studious and very much interested in studies. Unlike his other counterparts he would not play after the school hours. He would rather go out for rag picking with a dusty bag on his shoulders. Back home, he would study upto 10 pm in the night with the help of a kerosene lamp before going to sleep. He had slept for a while until his drunken mava (brother-in-law) Murthy came in shouting at his sister Radha and disturbed the sleeping baby on her lap which burst into cry.
Murthy was angry since Radha had given birth to a baby girl second time. She was warned before leaving his home for maternity that she shouldn't return with a girl child. He was howling he would crush the baby and even tried to snatch her from Radha's laps. Radha's parents resisted and assured him that they would take care of the new born baby. Naga felt happy hearing this. He was afraid his mava would kill her. He thought, he just have to work a little extra to take care of her and for Sankranthi he would get her a new pair of dress.
Next day, Murthy came to take back his wife. He left the new born baby in Naga's house itself. Naga was very happy and he took the baby in his arms and kissed her tender cheeks. He decided to name her 'Kareena'. Now his duties have increased. He has take care of his ailing mother, an unmarried sister Padma and of course Kareena.
On the day of Sankranthi, Naga woke up quite early than usual. It was dark yet. He scratched his head for a while and set out with his bag towards the main street. He said to himself that he should return with enough rag so he could buy a pair of dress for the kid. He found a pen on the way. He wrote 'Kareena' on his left hand to confirm it wrote well. His father had once told him that he might find some valuable things such as gold ring, a 100 rupee note etc. during rag picking. Naga aspired that should happen today. After reaching the main street, he ran for a while in the deserted street and took a sub street towards the new town.
Far away in that street, a white car came and stopped near a dustbin. A person came out of that car with something in his hand covered in white cloth. He hurriedly dumped that thing into the dustbin and drove away his car. This happened in a fraction of minute. Naga stood watching this from a distance.
He soon rushed towards the dustbin and jumped into it. To his surprise, he found a just born baby wrapped in a piece of cloth which was crying weakly. He took the baby in arms and said to himself, if he wasn't there in that minute, then this baby would have been eaten by street dogs. He thanked God for sending him so early to save that child. He ran towards his hut. Meanwhile he wanted to see what baby was that.. male or female. But he thought it wouldn't matter anyway. All it requires is, some more rag picking.
Moving story... I wish such things did not have to happen....
I nearly cried when watching the scene in the police office... so painful!
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